Sunday, July 02, 2006

Welcome to another post full of randomly disconnected events, thoughts, ideas and wombats.

(Wombat is a great word. Just like titmouse.)

Major issue right now is this. I have bought my United Airlines plane ticket, to leave Singapore at 720am on Friday, the 7th of July. I have contacted my friends in the States, to pick me up at the airport at the appropriate time. I have figured out more or less how to transport stuff over.

And then, today, while talking to my aunt, I realize I had completely forgotten that I need a visa. A visa, that thing they give you so you can enter America as a student rather than a refugee or a Byzantine whore. As I understand it, post 9-11, the visa application takes over a week to process. A week I don't have. Crud. So, I figured I'll call the embassy tomorrow and see what help they can offer me. Gotta turn on all my charm and animal charisma, and maybe show some leg. Show some hairy, hairy leg.

On a brighter note, the weekend has been awesome. Ran around with Kirby, bought Southpark boxers, considered making dogtags, walked way too much between Bugis and Lavender because Kirby was stubborn, met Hanwen, watched C.R.A.Z.Y., a French movie about a father and his homosexual son. Christian, Raymond, Antoine, Zac et Yvan. C'est un film tres.. unexpected. Mais je l'a (verbe enjoyer). I lose my wallet, then find it, sans cash. As consolation, the lady manager of Orchard Cineleisure gives me a Superman Returns notebook and pen. Awesome. Customer service in Singapore keeps getting better and better.

Then, stayover at Jem's is awesome, as always. Watching the World Cup matches, humping, more watching, humping, sleeping, humping, surfing the net, humping, blog-surfing, humping, playing PS games, humping. I think I gave and received more humpage in 24 hours than I have in all my previous life. That's saying something.

Then, off to Hougang (sit, Colin, sit!) to my gramma's place, then off to seafoodiness. Seafoodiness was good. Very good.

In other news, I have been busy improving relationships between Frog and Flamingo, as well as tiao bo li jian between Cheem Flamingo and Smelly Flamingo. I also agreed to buy vodka for Ernest, He who Pees in Oceans. I have also converted to Mozilla Firefox. In addition, I have decided that my mutant power will be like Adam Warlock's: Being ridiculously... good at stuff. Like ninjas.

Until next time, folks. In the meanwhile,

wombat wombat wombat titmouse badger mushroom whee. rubber ducky you're the one.


Blogger WhatRoughBeast said...

Bah. I can't get on AIM anymore, because my computer hateses it. Not to mention, I'm not a fanatic imbecile. "The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." I don't wanna blown anyone up, I just wanna be... blown..
*cough* never mind.

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what did our good visa giving people say to you?

9:40 PM  

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